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Challenge 7.13: How can we use technology to better understand the issues facing our town centres, and be a catalyst for revitalisation?


Challenge summary

Even before the pandemic many town centres across Scotland faced significant challenges: increased number of vacant properties, reduced levels of footfall, complaints from citizens and business, and often a feeling of general decline.

Councils already have data relating to town centres from a range of sources including CCTV, images shared by the public directly and on social media, as well as complaints received.  However, there can be issues with the quality and accuracy of this data and it can be difficult to understand the data coming into different teams across the council and who is aware of what. There are also gaps in the data which impact on the decision making of the council when it comes to making decisions on how best to revitalise town centres.

The question is this – how can technology help councils better understand the data they have, fill in the gaps and help inform decisions to drive town centre revitalisation?


Key information for applicants

Please note: you must apply for this Challenge via Public Contracts Scotland

Launch date
Tuesday 31 May 2022

Questions may be submitted until
16:00, Tuesday 21 June 2022

Closing date
Midday, Tuesday 28 June 2022

Exploration Stage interviews
29th July 2022

Exploration Stage
15 August to 2 September 2022

Accelerator interviews
9th September 2022

Accelerator Stage
3 October 2021 to 27 January 2023

Maximum contract value

What does this mean?

Q&A session

A live Q&A session was held with the Challenge Sponsor team on Monday 13 June 2022 at 11:00. A recording of the session can be viewed here:

Why does this Challenge need to be solved?


Town centre regeneration is essential to support economic recovery.  We want to ensure our town centres are attractive places for communities, visitors and businesses. 

Improving the council’s evidence base with data will help support and target continued investment in our town centres – to create safe, vibrant places that support economic growth. 

The focus for this challenge is Galashiels town centre in the heart of the Scottish Borders.  Recent investment includes the £350 million Borders Railway direct rail connection to Edinburgh Waverley and an award winning £7.5 million Great Tapestry of Scotland visitor attraction in the town centre.  Both investments are creating new opportunities - for tourism, events and business growth, supported by the community and Energise Galashiels Trust.

Although the focus for this challenge is Galashiels, SBC expect that the challenge will be a significant test of change that will benefit other Scottish Borders town centres.

How will we know the Challenge has been solved?


Key outcomes that will show this Challenge is being solved include: 

  • A reduction in the number of complaints relating to town centre issues received by the council.

  • A reduction in repeat or duplicate complaints which can cause slower response times and increased admin for council staff.

  • Increases in footfall and visitor numbers to the town centre and its attractions.

  • Increased levels of private and public sector investment into the town

Who are the end users of the solution likely to be?


The main end users are likely to be Scottish Borders Council staff across various teams including Economic Growth, Contact Centre and Infrastructure. Other potential end users could include residents and visitors, local businesses and investors.

Has the Challenge Sponsor attempted to solve this problem before?


There has been coordinated partnership activity within Galashiels town centre over the last year linked to the opening of the Great Tapestry of Scotland Visitor Centre.  Local businesses are reporting increased footfall/ spend and a noticeable increase in visitors.  New enterprises have moved into the town centre.  A key site, the former Abbotsford Hotel, presents a forthcoming development opportunity.  The popular Tour Series Cycling event in Galashiels town centre took place in May 2022 which was broadcast on ITV 4.

SBC and partners is investing in significant capital projects to support town centre revitalisation.  Galashiels has benefited from additional regeneration support from SBC and SOSE with cumulative funding support of £1.285m committed for the regeneration of the town centre, including:

  • Tapestry Way Study Feasibility Study initiating development activity, which focuses on Douglas Bridge and Channel Street, linked to the Galashiels Masterplan vision document. 

  • Developing community led projects & events in the town centre.

  • Grant funding for property improvements.

  • Marketing Galashiels and providing digital support to micro / SME businesses.

SBC would like to use technology to get a deeper understanding of how investment can drive revitalisation, as well as being able to measure other trends in how the town centre is used, to maximise the benefits of future investments / plans.

Will a solution need to integrate with any existing systems or equipment?


It is likely the solution would need to integrate with some existing internal systems such as CRMs, contact centre applications and so on. Depending on the nature of the solution it may also need to integrate with some external partners’ systems.

Any technologies or features the Challenge Sponsor wishes to explore or avoid?


SBC are open to exploring all technological options.

What is the commercial opportunity beyond a CivTech contract?


Although this particular Challenge is focused on Galashiels it is an issue faced by many local authorities across Scotland and the wider UK. There is also likely to be a potential international market for this solution.

Who are the stakeholders?

  • Energise Galashiels Trust

  • Live Borders

  • Borders College/ Heriot Watt University – Borders Campus

  • VisitScotland

  • South of Scotland Destination Alliance (SSDA)

Who’s in the Challenge Sponsor team?


Scottish Borders Council staff across the following areas:

  • Economic Development

  • Infrastructure and Environment

  • Resilient Communities

There will also be input from South of Scotland Enterprise colleagues.

What is the policy background to the Challenge?